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The C.R.O.S.S.  Christian Riders Of the Sovereign Savior

Z. Collins: President/Founder 

Biker Testimony:


I was on my way to work on Friday 16, 2003 at 6 p.m..  I saw a storm from a distance, heading in my direction.  The storm was moving faster than the traffic on the beltway.  I was not worried about my abilities to ride out the storm.  I was afraid of being hit by a car. My fears became reality. 


A 4-door pickup truck slammed into the back of my bike.  I remember the impact just before I blacked out.  When I came to my senses, I was trapped under the truck while sliding on my stomach.  I remember seeing my bike wedged under the truck.  I closed my eyes because the sparks from my motorcycle was spraying into my face.  I blacked out again a second time.  When I came to my senses, my hands were gripping the front suspension of the truck.  The wheel was pressed against my back, and the motorcycle was gone.  Each time the wheel would press against my back, I would pull as hard as I could on the suspension.  I was just buying time while waiting to die.  The wheel press against my back for the fifth time, I pulled on the suspension with all my might.  That’s when I noticed that the truck was slowing down.  The truck finally stopped.  I was pinned to the ground, because the wheel was still pressed against my back.  Part of my jacket was stuck between the wheel and the road. 


A large crowd gathered around the truck.  Traffic in both directions came to a halt.  I yelled for the people to pull me out.  I could tell by the look on their faces that they were in shock.  They thought I was dead.  Someone told the people not to touch me incase I had broken bones.  I then told the people to push the truck off of my back.  Five men pushed the truck away.  When I stood up on my feet, the crowd went wild.  They were cheering and clapping.  The people in the cars were cheering and blowing their horns.  I saw my bike at a distance.  It was about 25 feet away from the truck.   A man ran up to me and told me of how he saw me kicking the bike while sliding down the beltway.  I don’t remember kicking the bike.


 I was rushed to the hospital.  I remember hearing the doctor talking on the phone of how I had been dragged down a freeway under a pickup truck.  She told the person that I had been x-rayed for several hours, and that she was shocked when all the testing came back negative for internal bleeding or broken bones. She asked me about my eyesight.  The veins in my eyes burst.  My eyes were full of blood because of  the sparks and debris from the accident.  She said that if my vision was blurred, I could have permanent eye damage.  She also said that if my vision was clear, the blood would eventually drain.  My vision was clear.   The blood drained from my eyes four days later. 


I went to the wrecking yard where my bike was located.  A policeman said that he knew of nine men who were dragged under cars and how they all died.  I was the only person he knew that had ever survived being dragged under an automobile.  He said that he would not have believed that I had just been dragged under a truck, if he had not heard it on his police radio. He was in shock just seeing me standing next to him.  This was the day after the accident.

Exactly one month later, I purchased my dream bike (Harley Davidson Fatboy).  I finnally had the bike that I could only dream of parked in my garage, but I did not have the desire to ride it.  I started questioning my desire to ride again.  When I looked up to God for answers, the word "Ministry" took over all my thoughts.  "It's Time!," I yelled.   It was time to start a biker ministry.  About 15 years ago,  a guest speaker at a large church revival  spoke into my life.  She asked if I was a biker.  I told here yes.  She became so excited, but I did not understand why at the time.   She then said with tears of joy in her eyes, that God was going to use me in an awsome way to reach bikers.  I casually received it.  Now I see why she was so excited.  She saw the ministry of The C.R.O.S.S.  fifteen years ago.  


I started designing a logo for the ministry.  My wife (Eve) reminded me of the logo I used for the music ministy I had fifteen years ago.  She reminded me of how awsome that logo was.  I pulled the jacket out of the closet and dusted off the cobwebs.   With a few modifications, we had an awsome logo!  


 A guy saw me working on the logo at work,  I told him that I was going to start a motorcyle ministry.  He then told me that he was going to purchase a bike and become a part of this ministry.  I couldn't believe it!  Our first member was "Big E".  He is a strong christain man.  He does not compromise his walk at the job.  I was very proud to have him as a member.  He played a big part in getting the ministry started.  We had a logo, but we didn't have a name.  I was offered many different names, but I knew that God would give me a name for the ministry.   I waited.   I thought of what might be most important  in my life.  The Cross without a doubt.   I new that the name would have to center around the Cross.  The Christian Riders Of the Solvereign Savior exploded from my thoughts!  Wow!  What an awsome name for an awsome logo!   Big E said that when he saw the logo, he was ready to be a part of this ministry. 

I am a member of Lakewood Church in Houston Texas.  I spoke with my pastor (Joel Osteen) about starting a motorcycle ministry.  I did not want my pastor to be unaware of a ministry that God was about to unfold thru me.  He said our logo was awsome.  Jonathan was one of my newest and best friends, who is also a biker. He pushed me to make it happen.  He beleived in The C.R.O.S.S.,  before it came to be.  I will never forget the motavation and encouragement that came from him.  He was there for me when I was willing to go at it alone.  All I know is that he was one of the guys that beleived in me when I had very little to show.  All I had was a motorcycle, logo, and a desire in my heart to see bikers saved.   He pushed me to put all my goals and desires for The C.R.O.S.S. on paper.   Anyone can be a part of a ministry, but it takes alot of faith and hard work to help God build one.  Once we had it in writing, the ministry official. 


I started praying when I saw the storm coming in my direction.  I was praying the whole time I was under that truck.  I thought I was going to die.  I was confused.  I really thought that I was living a good life for Jesus.  I accepted my fate.  I remember asking God to take me quick.  That’s when the truck began slowing to a stop.  I was so excited, because I knew that I had just survived a horific ordeal.  I couldn't wait to stand up and show the devel of how God spared my life.

I remember a voice letting me know that I would never fully appreciate or comprehend the battle that was fought against Satan that day.  I took it to be the voice of God.  I looked up to the heavens and reminded the Lord that He was the father that I didn’t have, He was the one that gave me strength through the physical abuse from my mother, He kept me through the sexual abuse,  He kept me alive when I attempted suicide, and  when I was homeless, He always gave me a place of shelter to rest.  I told the Lord that I may not fully understand or comprehend the battle, but I have learned from my past experiences to just give my battles to him.  Jesus has been there for me when I needed him the most. The accident was not any different.  I am spoiled in the Lord. Throughout my life,  I have been calling on the name of Jesus in times of trouble, expecting him to save me.  Psalm 91:14-16 has always been my favorite scripture.  I will call upon him and he will answer me.  He has always been with me in times of trouble.  I don’t remember feeling any pain during the accident.  I walked away from that accident with all my physical abilities.  My physical condition was a miracle from God.