
Big E  (Vice President/Co-Founder)                                                                

I cried out to the Lord. Show me the way back. I’m Lost. Do you feel worthless? I did!  Have you been half heartedly living for God? Have you been walking the fence? Have you been neither hot nor cold in your walk with God? I had! Have you ever been deceived by The evil one! Relying on your own wisdom and strength to get by on! I had! Rev 3:16, 1Peter 5:8

Here I was saved at 7 yrs of age ; strong Christian thru High School ,and on into my college yrs. How then at 30 had I grown so far from the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Yes, I was still going to church; but dead from a spiritual stand point. I had walked away from the Lord. I had decided that the world still had something to offer me. I thought; that I could do a better job with my life than the Lord.

The Lord had brought me to a place in my life, that a decision had to be made! He was asking me to trust Him . A total commitment to sell out to Him completely. I had been accepted to a ChristianUniversity, but since I had been newly married and could not see our future down the road. How will I work and go to college, how will I pay the bills? All kinds of Fear and thoughts of doubt about my self poured in.  I believed them. I didn’t just Trust!  The evil one had used fear to scare me into, not trusting. It worked! I had been paralyzed Slowly my spirit began to die.
With God I played both sides of the fence. Pretend a Christian on Sunday. The rest of the week, I could talk a great Christian game, but live it no-way! I liked to Party with the guys. Stay out late drinking. I had problems with pornography.  I loved to hunt and fish. I lived to do these two things. All my time ,energy, money, went to do these two things. This had become my new God. Instead of being at home with my wife and new born son I was to busy doing what I wanted.  I had lost my true self. I had lost my spirit. I didn’t know who I was ,or better yet who’s I was.

 God had allowed me to come to a place of complete brokenness. I was now ready to die to myself. The Lord made the way back; thru a Promise Keepers event here in Houston. I rededicated my life. To completely and, whole heartedly live for my Lord and Savior. I’m so thankful to God that He is full of second chances!


Now at 45 I look back to my decision. To sell out totally to the Lord. I can tell you God thru Christ has restored me completely 100%. I know who’s I am and Who I am. I’m a child of the living God. Jesus Christ has purchased my soul! A eternal gift, that I find it hard to understand. Why! Why would he do this! Because Jesus loves us! He loves you too; right where you are! Yes, Just like me; in all my ugliness. God loves us! Rom. 5:8 “But God demonstrates His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us! The Lord wants a relationship with you ! Right now today! Right were you are! Say  yes to Jesus and He will restore your soul. He will bring you to a place of great Joy and Peace in your Spirit! Rev 3:20 Behold , I {Christ} stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door ,I will come in to him, and will dine with him and he with me.  Christ is always reaching out to us for a Relationship with Him!


If you were to ask me; has life gotten any easier? I would have to answer;  some days yes and other days no! I think Life is a hard thing. My mother died of terminal liver cancer, whom we took care of in my home til the day she died in my home. The last four years at work ; we have been sold three times. I don’t know from one day to the next weather or not I’ll have a job!  What I do know is this! That know matter what” happens” in this Life. The Lord Jesus Christ is there for me. He always has my best interests close to His heart. He will never abandon me in my time of need. He has surrounded me with great loving brother and sisters in Christ {The body of Christ}. He {Jesus} is my Rock and my Refuge. With God for us who can be against us! Prov.3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths! You ask me Do I Trust the Lord? Whole Heartedly!

                                                                                                      Your Brother in Christ 

Jonathan. Guel - Co-Founder

My Testimony 5/2007


I was raised by God fearing parents.  They not only took me to church, but also lead by example.  My father was a deacon and Sunday school director.  My mother taught a Sunday School Class.  Therefore, I really have no excuse as to what has transpired in my life.  I was born again as a teenager (15yrs. Old).  However, I never saw myself the way God sees me.  I let peer pressure and my own ignorance keep me from the abundant life that God said I could have.  I began at that time in my life to experiment with sex.  I also rebelled against my parents and looked only to myself for pleasure and fulfillment in my life.  At 18 yrs. of age I got married.  I had adapted the life style philosophy that said, “We did not need to have anything or money.  I could make it and my wife and I could live on our love for each other.”  Believe me that true life is nothing like the movies/Hollywood make everything out to appear.  I began to think that I was missing something so I started looking.  I almost lost my marriage.  I then turned to Jesus; I was ordained a deacon and then a minister.  In the midst of this I had a daughter and a son.  However, I still allowed satan to have place in my mind.  The one thing that I didn’t realize is satan has all the time in the world and he knew what my weakness was.  I thought I was strong in the Lord, it turned out that I still never surrendered my entire life over to the lord.  I still had a dark secret.  Anyway, this led me to fall away from God.  I got divorced and began living like I had always secretly dreamed of in my mind.  To many of my friends, I was a nice, cool, and fun guy.  I turned to partying and alcohol as part of my lifestyle as well.  I never told anyone about my past and how a fell away from God and the church.  I could sit down and still discuss God, but nothing was personal to me. However, I knew that I still was not right.  I knew in my spirit that some thing was not quite right.  This went on for years.   I finally got remarried, years later.  This time I thought that things would be different.  They weren’t different.  All my years of baggage was just carried over into another relationship.  At this time my kids were growing, my new wife had a son of her own.  This led to more stuff that I was not emotional ready to deal with.  I still turned to alcohol as a solace and release.  One day my wife said. “Hey, let’s go to church, LakewoodChurch.”  I said ok.  I knew the truth was only God could truly turn my life around.  I went, and soon after I rededicated my life to Jesus.  However, I never dealt with the temptations going on in my mind.  I backslid and allowed my joy to be taken away for a short season.  But God, God had allowed me to meet some Godly Christians friends that did not want to know where I had been.  These men were more interested in where God wanted me to go.  Forgiveness, I begin to experience true peace through Forgiveness, God’s Love and Mercy.  I know God is a God of second, third, fourth chances.  I know that God does not sit around keeping score.  Anyway, I learned that dealing with my weakness even though they are a lot of work, is a far greater reward and I am truly fulfilled.  Sex, Lust, Women, Alcohol, Money, these are all areas that can make anyone lose, or misplace the truth about real happiness and joy that no one can take from you.  Believe me, there is a lot more to this story.  But the bottom line is, God is the answer to your need.  He has it all.  I would love to talk to anyone and help you find true peace and freedom.


Zee (President/Founder)
Personal Testimony:

I have always had a deep desire to see bikers come to know the salvation of Jesus Christ. Some bikers have a tendency to suppress the hurts and pains of their personal lives with the biker image and attitude. Once we leave those burdens at the alter of deliverance, God will use that same image and attitude to reach other bikers. We will also have the image of Jesus Christ when he died on the cross and an attitude of boldness that Paul showed as he shared the gospel of our Lord and Savior. I have been riding motorcycles since I was a child. I was too young to have a biker image or attitude. Unfortunately, I was very good at suppressing the hurts and pains of my childhood. I have never had a father. I have never referred to anyone but Jesus as my dad. My mother was very abusive and she put me through what seemed like hell at the time. I thought life was not worth living. I wanted to die. One of my mother’s personal friends was also a pedophile. At seven years old, I became one of his victims. The more I suppressed my hurts and pains, the stronger I felt. I was living a lie. The shame of being raped tormented me for years. I tried to commit suicide when I was ten. I had suicidal tendencies throughout my young adult years, but I had a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I knew it was a sin to kill myself. I wanted to die, but I did not want to go to hell. When I was ten years old, I did not know any better. When I became a young man, his word gave me a reason to live. Jesus was the father and mother that I never knew. He was the protector and comforter that I never saw as a child, but I knew he was there. I didn’t trust anyone but Him. He carried me throughout my childhood until I was old enough to walk on my own. There are still times in my life when I grow weary. My Dad will carry me through the tough times, until I’m strong enough to advance on my own.


Eve (Co-Founder)

Evangelism is in my heart.  Winning souls to Christ is my passion.  I love the Lord and I am very thankful to God, because there was a time in my life when depression had literally taken my will to live.   I am excited to be a member of the C.R.O.S.S.   God's powerful presence came in and saved me from death and eternal hell.  I found out what true love really is.  He pulled me out of the darkness into His wonderful light.  I will never forget what the Lord did for me that day.  My heart's desire is for everyone to experience God and know that His love for you is everlasting.  He will never leave you or forsake you .  If you don't have Him, seek Him while He may be found.  Call on Him while he is near.  As Christians, walk in His love, power, and authority.  When we realize it is Christ who lives within us, we become as quoted by Joel Osteen, "Armed and Dangerous"  to the enemy. 

Joe Pompa (Vice President)

I want to be one of His chosen vessels,  to be his hands and feet.  I want to reach those that most would see as unreachable.  I have a desire to share with others of  how He changed my life.  I want to let them know, that  if He did it for me, He will do it for them also.  I want everyone I come in contact with to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

I don't want people to go through what I had to go through to gain the wisdom that God gave me.  I love you with all my heart, and God loves you even more.  Quoted from Joel Osteen, " Im not who I want to be , but thank God Im not who I use to be.